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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Frontline Registry Cleaner Review

Frontline Registry Cleaner is a new registry repair tool that's just been launched onto the Internet this year. Developed by a software company in the UK, it's already gaining a strong user-base with 100's of people downloading it every week. However, with more & more hype surrounding this program, is it really going to be able to fix your PC in the way people promise? Let's find out...

Like many registry tools online, this cleaner is portrayed in a professional manor, and is claimed to be able to fix the largest number of errors on your system. It has a fresh design which seems to be simple to use, and has a strong array of features, including several unique ones.

One important factor to note about this cleaner is the way it's produced by a professional company. Not many people know this, but most of the registry tools online are actually designed by amateur coders and are consequently not very reliable. This can cause huge problems for the systems you run the programs on, as they can often cause lots of damage and problems. Frontline Registry Cleaner belongs to the special group of registry tools which are actually developed by professional developers, meaning that it's got all the best features & settings inside, to fix your PC in the best way possible.

The other benefit that has come from Frontline Registry Cleaner being developed by a leading software company is that it's fully compatible with Windows 7 & other versions of Windows. With updates released each month, this software is continually being developed in order to make it as perfect as possible. This is actually quite a rare feature, as many of the developers who create online registry cleaners don't have the time to update them. Updates are handled on Frontline Registry Cleaner through a button on the top-right of the application.

After loading the Frontline Registry Cleaner program on your PC, you'll notice that it's quite easy to use (with a big "Start Scan" button in the center of the home screen). Upon clicking this button, you'll immediately be into the scan, where you can see exactly how many errors & junk files the software is finding. We've tested this software on several test computers, and each time it was able to find the largest number of errors & junk files, cleaning them all up easily. We found this tool to be extremely effective & reliable, allowing anyone to boost the speed and reliability of their system with it.

You can see our full Frontline Registry Cleaner review by looking on our site. You can Click Here to see our full Frontline Registry Cleaner review.

1 comment:

  1. So how do the features perform? They seemed to perform quite well. When you run the scan, it scans both your files and registry and lists how much space you can free up and how many errors are in your registry. That makes it easier then just having to run two separate scans.
